About the team
Zacharia Benalayat
Zacharia Benalayat is a graduate from the Master of Science of Information Studies program at the University of Texas, at Austin. Currently a Junior System Analyst at CaseWorthy, Zach previously studied classical Latin literature and performance before joining the project. Having performed choral music from a young age, he gravitated towards the digital humanities. Zach is technical lead on this project, handling network and database administration for the project. He drafted and created the SQL database currently in use. He is also responsible for setting up the initial version of the project website and producing user documentation for the database. Zach is a life-long lover of history, and studied archeology during his undergraduate career. He loves finding ways to get students to engage with history and find joy in learning about the arts
Asst. Webmaster, Collaborator
Kyrie Bouressa
Kyrie Bouressa completed her Master's in Musicology at the University of Texas at Austin. She holds a Bachelor's of Arts in Music with a Minor in History from the University of Houston. Her main academic interests are how travel and transmission of chant are reflected in Icelandic manuscripts and fragments, with a parallel enthusiasm and interest in digital humanities projects for transcription and identification of medieval fragments. Kyrie assisted in the editing, organizing, and uploading of the Digital Mappa instance as well as some additions to this website.
Emily Loeffler
Emily Loeffler is a PhD candidate in Musicology at the University of Oregon. Her dissertation is on the intersection of nineteenth-century medicine, tourism, and nationalism in Swiss folksongs. She is a collaborator on the Chants, Hypertexts, Prosulas project, particularly helping with some of the image manipulation,. Currently, she lives in Spokane, WA, where she teaches piano and is working on various research projects.
Bibiana Virgine
Bibiana Vergine received her Ph.D. in musicology from Princeton University in 2016. Her research interests focus on the repertory of plainchant of medieval southern Italy, in particular liturgical hymns.
As part of the Chants, Hypertexts, Prosula project, she worked on editing and uploading images from their original manuscript contexts to create a database of easily readable and researchable images of Beneventan prosulas.
Caroline Bowers
Caroline Bowers holds a Master's in Musicology from the University of Texas at Austin. Her current research interests include intersections between musicology and history museums in the United States, America popular music, and feminist and civil rights protest music. Outside of her academic experience, Caroline has worked in various public history institutions and archives in Florida, Washington, D.C., and Texas. For this project, she primarily worked on transcribing manuscripts into modern notation. She also worked with the chants and manuscripts associated with the feast of St. Lawrence, contributing transcriptions, annotations, and research for those areas.
Flannery Jamison
Flannery Jamison completed her Master's in Musicology at the University of Texas at Austin. She graduated with a B.A. in Music History and Literature with minors in Theology and Classical Civilization from the Catholic University of America. Her main academic interest is the theological underpinnings in music, particularly in medieval Catholic liturgy and in American hymnody. She is the newest addition to the project, to which she contributed transcriptions in modern notation.
Amelia McElveen
Amelia McElveen is a second year Ph.D. student in Historical Musicology. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music General Concentrations in flute from Truman State University (2017) and an MM from the University of Texas at Austin (2019). Amelia’s main research interest is contemporary medievalism in modern Catholic monasteries in Vietnam, the syncretic relationships of Catholicism, Buddhism, and Caodaism, and postcolonialism and trauma after the Vietnam War. Amelia's contribution to this website was for chants for the feast of the Ascension.
Cristina Saltos
Cristina Saltos obtained a Master's degree in Historical Musicology at the University of Texas at Austin. Before arriving at UT she completed a Bachelor of Music with an Outside Field (Journalism) at Ithaca College in 2016. While not in school she assisted in the creation of an archive for a community-based music organization and worked as a collections assistant in the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections at Cornell University. Her current research focuses on music history curricula and the connections between community music making, race, and the academy.
Cristina's contributions to this project were transcriptions, annotations and images for the translation of St Bartholomew, the Common of the Virgins, and the third week of Lent.
Elizabeth Seay
Elizabeth Seay holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music and Religious Studies from the University of Texas at Austin. She now lives and works in Italy with Agape, an organization for students at the University of Florence to explore spiritual topics. She assisted with transcriptions for the feast of the Dedication of the Church (13 May) and contributed to the website database.
Other Collaborators
Bios and photos forthcoming
Logan Cooley
Benjamin Coghan
Jordyn Middleton
Digital Mappa Collaborators
Aruna Kharod
Abigail Adams
Jack Wilds